Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tragedy strikes Saturated Facts

Hello Saturated Facts followers!

As you may have noticed, last week's challenge (The First Year Dorms challenge!) was never podcasted, or even commented upon in our bloggy medium. Let us assure you that this upset no one more greatly than it did us, your faithful Saturated Facters. Here's what happened, basically:

We were on our journey home from the First Year Challenge, minding our own business, when suddenly we happened upon a river. We had not anticipated a river on our way home so we had left all our caulk in the other wagon - plus we remembered that the last time we tried to caulk the wagon and float it, minorly disastrous events had occurred. So this time we waited around for a ferry to take us across, not realizing how expensive the ferry fee would be. We just don't make that kind of money doing a once-weekly trivia game show on WOBC, and what little money we do have we invest in our fabulous prizes. Long story short, we forded the river, the wagon overturned, several members of our party died, and so did Katie's hard drive.

Bummer. But stay tuned, kiddos - the newest Saturated Facts episode should be up soon!

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